Monday, April 27, 2009

Netsis Call Center

Netsis Call Center

“Call Center” is an important concept not only for Netsis but for all companies. As a concept, a call center is the place where all communication takes place with the people or the agencies in contact and also is an interaction center including software, hardware, human resources and flowcharts.

The last quarter of 2008 showed us that the year of 2009 will be a hard year. The end of 2008 and the year of 2009 will force the enterprise to boost their productivity. During this period it will be profitable for the enterprise to give importance to the healing projects to get rid of unproductiveness in their production processes.

NETSIS Support Call Center Manager Tolga GÖREN speaks:

- Mr. Gören, for how many years do you work for NETSIS, and can you tell us yourself and your career in Netsis?

- I work for Netsis since 1997. I began to work as a support specialist in Project Services Department. After 2 years, I continued to work as a business associates support specialist in Sales Department. Later I began to work only for Sales Department as a Corporate Sales Specialist. At the year 2003, I returned back to the Project Services Department as the Call Center Manager. Beginning with the June-2008., together with the Call Center Manager, I am also responsible for the Contract Sales in Turkey.

- Can you describe the profile of Netsis Call Center?

- Netsis Call Center is reconstructed at the end of 2003 to the level of Professional Call Centers having their infrastructure. Our Call Center gives services on 7/24 hour basis to our certified associates and to the customers having call center support package. We began to give service on Voip in May of 2008. We plan to use more tools in the near future by using the possibilities of this service.

- For how many years your call center gives service in Netsis Organization and what is the importance of such a center?

- It is obvious that a “Call Center” is an important center not only for Netsis but for all companies. As a concept, a call center is the place where communication takes place with the people or the agencies in contact and also is an interaction center including software, hardware, human resources and flowcharts. It is the general ‘umbrella’ name used for the units including reservation center, help desk, information lines and customer relations. They are the centers where intense phone communication takes place. The term Call Center is not a term for a place where intense phone traffic takes place but also gives service on e-mail, fax, sms, online chat services. So these kinds of centers are also called like Contact Center, Customer Contact Center and Customer Interaction Platform. However the term Call Center is a powerful ‘umbrella’ name for all these kind of communication lines. As a result, a Call Center is a must place for a company and it is not a cost center but proven to be an income center.

- Where does your department works and what kind of devices they use?

- Our Call Center works in TechnoPark in Izmir Institute of Technology. In our call center, we use software developed by our company and a foreign origin Voip based Call Center Software i.e. ‘Televantage’. This program is works interactively with a SYS developed IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system.

- How do you select your Call Center personnel, what is your criterium?

- Our call center has an important feature not known from outside as is in many Call Centers. We use it is a capability pool. In this center we all know about the processes in Netsis and all the products of it. So any call center personnel is also capable of working in any other department of the company if it is needed. To achieve this, we are careful to select the right people for the call center. Our Human Resources Department very accurately selects the right people considering he/she is permanent in the job. We work with the people who want to work permanently and having willingness to work in this sector. At the beginning, basic set of technical training is provided then we provide special call center training on

§ Call response

§ Problem solution

§ Customer focused service

§ Stress free living

- What are the delightful aspects of your job, how do you motivate your personnel?

- There is a reality of being face to face with customer continuously in our job. So if you solve the problem of any customer, this is a very delightful thing. If you cannot grab this correctly, it is very hard to work in this job. Another motivation resource is the family type connection between our workers. If anyone has a problem, this is the problem of all departments.

- What are the performance criterium of your department? Can you tell us your performance periods and the healing activities of your department?

- There are some performance criterium of call centers. Taking into consideration of these criterium, we also have some other job specific measurements. The most important one is the service level measurement. This is the measurement of call response performance measuring the level of x% responses in y seconds. It is obvious that this kind of a measurement is not enough to show the service quality of a call center. Another performance measurement of ours is ‘The percentage of open jobs’. This is traced by the result of a call marked with ‘OK’ or ‘NotOK’. The last performance criterium is ‘Average speech period’. It is traced by monthly service period >= 85%, open call <= 5%, period of response is lesser than average response period. Out of these measurements, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly out of response calls, in how many communications a solution is provided type of measurements are also made. By evaluating weekly results, next week’s extra capacity planning is made.

- Netsis Solution Providers and Authorized Dealers also provide call center services. What are your suggestions for these kinds of centers?

- This year we developed a special Insource named project in april-august period. With this project, we called the Netsis approved support specialist to our Call Center and have them worked in our Center. So we shared our experience. I suggest to our associates who have a call center, to have their personnel rotate between the call center and the field. Also they must trace the open jobs and use the results as performance criteria.

- As a result, with the coming new year we are in a tiring period. What are your suggestions to Netsis users?

- The last quarter of 2008 showed us that 2009 will be a hard year. The end of 2008 and the year of 2009 will force the enterprise to boost their productivity. During this period it will be profitable for the enterprise to give importance to the healing projects to get rid of unproductiveness in their production processes. So we will continue to provide solutions to our associates and customers to increase their productivity. To get the maximum profit from these solutions, they should get our version guaranteed packages decreasing their cost of having these applications and they also should be in contact with our associates who have certified and advisory personnel.

- Thank you Mr. GÖREN. ©2008 All Rights Reserved

What is RedCode?

What is RedCode?

It is the code name of a project developed by NETSIS to adapt their software products to the web platform. All NETSIS software will easily be used on the web via this project in a near future and this software will serve to the users without any limitation in time, place and space. It may also be defined as a technological transform project that traces the developments in the modern world and an enterprise resource project (ERP) that will standardize the use of web on this area. It is the collection of the properties that will be included in this project.

All NETSIS software will easily be used on the web via RedCode project in a near future and this software will serve to the users without any limitation in time, place and space.

Göksel ÜÇER. NETSIS Software Director narrated the NETSIS’s new generation product of RedCode and the accompanying innovations of the NETSISNedir.Com members.

- Mr. ÜÇER, can you tell us about yourself and your NETSIS story?

- I remember the scenes on many films that I watched on TV in 1987. By using a mini computer without having any or networks, anybody could easily be connected to the bank or the government agencies in a secure way. These scenes affected me so much that I began to prepare myself for a computerized world. To achieve this I decided to learn BASIC. At the age of 10, all these programming activities, algorithms and flowcharts were boring. But at the end of these days, when I began the produce more effective programs I have gained much more interest to this kind of life. I tried to work with computers much more during my collage days. My interest that began with BASIC, continued with database applications, TSR programs, graphical user interfaces (Borland Graphic Interface-BGI). In time Izmir limited me and I began to look for more resources. After graduating the collage, I got the chance of getting practical training at NETSIS. Although I didn’t work on software rigorously during my practical training, but I was ready to work for NETSIS at the end. Consequently, I worked for NETSIS for long years on software projects and after all these projects I am the Deputy Manager of NETSIS now.

- Can you describe the importance of Research&Development in NETSIS and the budget reserved for this branch?

- We have some very dynamic teams in the area of Software R&D. the count of these teams change in accordance with the projects and the periods. As an example, when we began to work on RedCode Project i.e. 5 years ago, we had a very weak R&D team, but nowadays the R&D activities comprise many activities including infrastructure and user interface. And the budget reserved for R&D activities may be imagined as the 30% of software production costs.

- When did you begin to work on RedCode and can you describe the period of development?

- RedCode is neither a spontaneous decision nor a spontaneous strategy. With this project, NETSIS decided to transform its platform, paradigms, software development processes and the sense of service. Approximately 2 years ago it’s decided to give a start on this project after the developments achieved on the wide use of internet, getting to a point of social conscious on internet, ADSL network infrastructure developments, wide use of wireless network and increasing use of PDA kind personal devices in Turkey. We prepared our plans considering our existing and future customer profiles and our resources.

RedCode development loop is based on four basic factors. The dominance of each factor is redefined in accordance with our yearly objectives, the development plans of our business associations, customer expectations and the daily wants realized. RedCode Project is talking its route with the effective management of all these factors.

- By comparing the technologies of other foreign ERP software projects and your RedCode project, can you define your advantages and disadvantages if any?

- First of all, every producer adds his cultural properties to their project. The RedCode project also reflects the properties belonging to NETSIS. The properties of RedCode are designed in accordance with the NETSIS’ importance of customer satisfaction, fast and effective close of application period and the amendments of Kaizen Loop.

Foreign ERP producers’ properties of customization, localization, service based architecture, easy start of integrated applications also included in RedCode. (I will not be humble on this matter). But new trends and problems are precious (naked approach) and gains of Production and Development period repositions us in front of our competitors. All these properties will be adopted with the increasing use of our product/service.

- What kind of advantages provides RedCode to NETSIS business associations? Do you have any plan to provide advantages to your business associations over other national ERP software producers?

- To answer this question, it would be more proper to speak on an important decision of mine during RedCode design period.

By the analyse of our knowledge gained during Ephesus, Millennium and Forerunner projects, it was obvious that our business associations improved us much more. With the business they do, we have had a wide solution area and we gained more customers. In the past, we have had a very low reusing ratio in the above mentioned projects. (i.e. we should have used much more log and high security functions in the associate’s applications.) We planned to open more functions to our associates in an easy, secure and fast way. So we designed the project in a proper way to this kind of criterium. Our RedCode designers give importance to the place of critical and important events in the applications by thinking the position of our associates. So many functions may easily be traced or triggered from a point of outside of application. To give an easy example, when the CRM nominee records are saved, the associate application will also be triggered and in case it is required other business functions might be used with the distributed transaction.

Our business associates get the chance of developing faster applications having much more functions with the above mentioned infrastructure properties of RedCode platform. Software maintenance costs can be in a position of giving much more affective service.

- Consequently, can you summarize the new properties coming with the RedCode?

o Module, package and process logics of NETSIS applications will be designed on service based architecture. So our enterprise resource planning functions may export the data to other (mobile platform, integrated application) applications.

§ With the Enterprise Package Bus feature, our associate company’s custom applications can easily be used.

§ With the DPartManager (Data Part Manager) feature, many user interfaces can easily be used with other screens or portal pages in accordance with the needs.

o Localization and customization functions are developed with more properties than Windows platform.

§ For instance, one of our customers located in Iran can easily replace a date object with one of a web control object developed by them.

§ There are much more administrative tool than Windows.

§ With the RCP ( RedCode Profiler) sql commands, errors, workflow&workplace activities, statistical data of report server can easily be traced and saved.

o With the help of additional services, administering the jobs will be easier.

§ AJM ( Async Job Management): Preplanning jobs will be done. (i.e. At the end of every month, automatic cost accountancy report)

§ Notification: Communication unit of RedCode.

§ Reporting: Reports can be handled with a special service and so can easily be exported to other applications.

§ Datacenter: The data saved in RedCode package will be served in a fast way with the help of an enhanced cached memory on the basis of firm, user or area.

§ With this future, data read periods will be shorter and the request – response loop of web platform will also be shorter. (faster response and process)

- I would tell the features of RedCode in detail here but it will be better to see the product getting when it is released.

- Thank you Mr. Üçer. © All Rights Reserved